Keywords Frequency, Density, Proximity, Prominence

Jul 24, 2008

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When writing content for a website having keywords is essential. There are various things to keep in mind with keywords.


This is the amount of times a keyword is listed on a page. Generally the more keywords listed on a page means there is more relevance of that keyword on a page. Be careful not to over stuff the page with keywords. That is called keyword stuffing and is cheating the system.


This is the percentage of how many times your keyword is listed. The general parameters is between 2-8%.


This refers to keeping the keywords closer together. The tighter they are the better they will be indexed. For Example:

Having quality content is key to online success.

Content online must be quality to have online success.

If someone typed in “quality content” the first example would likely receive a higher rank.


This refers to where the keywords should be listed. Preferably in the title tag, meta tag, and the start of a web page.

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