Build Content and Links

Aug 25, 2008

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Owning a website can be a lot of work to keep it up and going. Marketing and search engine optimization are comprised of many different things. A lot of people ask what is the most important thing to do in building and marketing a website.

With all of the blogs and websites that have articles about seo it can seem overwhelming and confusing. So today I am going to break it down into the simple things it takes in growing your online presence. This roughly boils down to two things:

1. Building Content

2. Building Links

Building content is essential to grow the size of a website. The more information a website has the more pages it can have indexed in the search engines. As a business owner you should be the expert in your industry and field. The more you can show that you are the authority in that niche the more visitors will come to your site. If you continue to provide value on your website with good quality information then more people will be able to find your site.

When writing content for your website also be sure to target the keywords that you are trying to rank for in the search engines. As you grow your website with tightly focused informational articles the more that the search engines can detect the relevancy of your website, its growth, and size. When you write articles for your website it also gives a very good reason for the search engine crawlers to comes back to your website.

When they do come back to crawl your website it will have new food so to speak to eat. It is not a good sign if the spiders continually come back to a site and there is nothing that has changed. Bottom line is to give visitors and spiders more food to eat.

Building links is a continual process. The more quality inbound links a website has the more popular it looks to a search engine and the higher it will rank in the serp’s ( search engine results pages.) When building links it is important to go after quality authority websites that are relevant to your industry and niche.

There are several ways to build links to a website including directories, social bookmarking, article marketing, press releases and using videos.

Building content and links is the two things to do when growing your online presence. The more you simplify this process the easier it will be in growing your internet company.

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