What Is Google PageRank

Sep 2, 2008

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The idea of the internet is to have documents that hyperlink to other documents that are on the world wide web. Google, originally called Backrub, started by being able to create a system on how to calculate the importance of a webpage by the links that point to it. Hence the term Backrub because they were able to figure out the backlinks to a webpage and the importance and quality of those links. The inbound links to a webpage are like votes. Google is the first search engine to define how popular a webpage was. They created a ranking system from 0-10 showing how popular a page was. The higher the number the more importance that Google was giving to that page. This was a system that they created to mathematically determine how important a webpage was. The thought here is that the more people link to a webpage the more popular that webpage must be. So Google created a way to determine how important those people were who were linking to that page as well. It is because of this sophisticated algorithm that has made Google the number one search engine in the world. So the question is how do I increase the PageRank of my website. The answer is to improve the number and quality of the inbound links pointing to a webpage. Normally a homepage of a website will have a higher PageRank and the subpages have lower PageRank as they go deeper from the root. This is generally because on the homepage of a website is the links to all of the pages on the site. This will make that page only one level deep from the root.The less a visitor and search engine has to travel from the root the higher the PageRank for that page. As you can see if you want a higher PageRank then it will take more inbound links from a lower PageRank site to receive a higher ranking and less from a higher PageRank site to receive a higher PageRank. This is why it is not only the quantity of the inbound links, but the quality also of the inbound links. So when trying to increase the PageRank of a website then you need to increase the inbound links by having good quality and relevant inbound links. Here is a table showing the inbound links to a webpage and the PageRank of that webpage that is providing the inbound link.
PR of page Links for PR4 Links for PR5 Links for PR6 Links for PR7 Links for PR8 Links for PR9
1 3,055 16,803 92,414 508,277 2,795,522 15,375,371
2 555 3,055 16,803 92,414 508,277 2,795,522
3 101 555 3,055 16,803 92,414 508,277
4 18 101 555 3,055 16,803 92,414
5 3 18 101 555 3,055 16,803
6 0.61 3 18 101 555 3,055
7 0.11 0.61 3 18 101 555
8 0.02 0.11 0.61 3 18 101
9 0.00 0.02 0.11 0.61 3 18
10 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.11 0.61 3

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